Whether we feel as if God is closer than he has ever been, or more distant than ever, or even just not present at all, the truth is he tells us that he will never leave us nor forsake us – he will never abandon us or let us down.

God is with us always. His presence, his goodness, his love, his grace, his strength, his mercy never changes, it remains steadfast even when circumstances around us shift and change, catching us off guard. If we pray, he promises he will listen.

Whether in a season of plenty, or a season of little, God’s ultimate plan is prosperous and restorative – he will lead us through and grow us into His glorious future, if we will only take our eyes off our circumstances and fix them securely on him.

It’s not always easy but no matter what situation or circumstance we are in, we are able to find God, identify his fingerprints, see the miracles in the mess, if we look for him wholeheartedly.


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