You Make me Brave – Bethel Music: Song Story

Only 6 days to go! Today’s song is the title track from the “You Make me Brave” album from Bethel Music. It’s the song we have come to call the “Dare conference” anthem as it embodies everything it is about. Coming boldly before God (Heb 4:16). Being overwhelmed by the greatness, majesty and wonder of the King of Heaven. Submitting to his authority and falling to our knees in humility and reverence (Eph 3:14).

It recognises the enormity of God in all his splendour and how small we are in comparison. Yet he knows us and he loves us personally and intimately. He is for little old you, not against you (Rom 8:31) and his unlimited, never ending, unfailing love (Psalm 52:8) crashes over us with majesty and power, like the waves in a mighty ocean (Psalm 42:7). It is overwhelming, soaking, saturating every part of us and sweeping us up into him.

This anthem speaks of how he calls us by name (Isiah 43:1) and sings songs of love over his children (Zeph 3:17), delighting in us, championing us to go further, do more, be better. Because through him we can do all things (Phil 4:13).

He calls us out beyond the shore, the safe, the comfortable, into the waves of his incredible plan for our lives. He calls us to step out of the boat towards him, his purposes and his plans, just as he did with Peter (Matt 14:22-33). He gives us the confidence and courage to do things we have never done before, go to where we have never been before. Dare to dream bigger, ask for more, step out further. He makes us brave!

As we sing these lyrics we are declaring the goodness of God and rallying ourselves to jump into the adventure that awaits us when we let go and let God.

“The reward of saying yes is greater than the regret of saying no” (Amanda Cook)

So what are you waiting for? Ask him to make you brave.

Thank you, God, that you have so much more for me than I can even imagine right now.
Thank you for you unfailing, never ending, glorious love.
Please help me to be brave, daring to step into all that you have for me.


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