Yet I will praise you!

There are time in life where things can get really hard. Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of difficulties and I know the pain of walking through some barren seasons. Yet this passage encourages us to rejoice, even when everything around us seems to be falling apart.

Regardless of what we’re going through, despite the despair we may feel, there is always a reason to rejoice – the beauty of our salvation in Jesus.
A couple of years ago I went through a really difficult season. In a moment of complete despair and vulnerability, I surrendered and gave my worries to God. My husband and I declared the goodness of God even though we didn’t feel it. And as I began to worship, I began to encounter the joy of God even in the midst of incomparable pain.

I found incredible peace in accepting that my problems were God-opportunities and I was filled with a new sense of joy and contentment. ⁠Even though my earthly circumstances had not changed. Even though I still had to walk through the season of suffering.

God doesn’t promise we never have problems. But despite our unworthiness, He promises to be with us through everything. There’s something about barrenness and suffering that strips away everything we have and forces us to listen.⁠

James tells us that enduring life’s trials produces perseverance. Whether we are coping with loss, trying to overcome addiction or suffering with poor mental health, our struggles to overcome these challenges will build our faith, making it more mature and complete. ⁠

Perseverance leads to renewed strength. We have a hope that this difficulty won’t last forever. “Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning” (Psalms‬ ‭30:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬). That hope is an anchor for our souls and placing our trust in God can calm even the fiercest of storms.


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