Yes and Amen – Housefires (Song Story)

2 days left! Today’s song is “Yes and Amen” from Housefires III. This song is all about the faithfulness of God, to save, heal, restore and deliver us. He is the father of kindness – his kindness is unfailing (1 Sam 20:14) and he pours out his grace upon us time and time again, because he promises to do so and his promises never fail.

This song invites us to look at all the promises that God has already fulfilled by sending Jesus to ‘pull’ us from the ashes and ‘break every curse’. It reminds us to look back on what God has already done, the enormity of the love and faithfulness that he has already shown each of us, in order that we can stand firm and rest in his promises of the future.

There are so many incredible promises that God already has agreed to in writing! Just take a look at some of the awesome promises in his word

He has saved us, forgiven our sins, brought us out of darkness, purified us and is continuing to restore us – he will not give up until the work is complete (1 John 1:9 ; Psalm 107:14 ; Phil 1:6). We have been given eternal life (John 3:16), his plans are to prosper us (Jer 29:11) an he will never leave us or abandon us (Deut 31:8).

He promises that he will fight for us and that no weapon formed against us will prosper (Exodus 14:14 ; Isaiah 54:17). That if we resist the devil he will flee, that he will give us strength when we want to give up and power when we are weak; we will run and not grow weary (James 4:7 ; Isaiah 40:29

If we humble ourselves in prayer, we will hear from God and if we are faithful with our time, money, gifts, his blessing will overflow in our lives and he will meet all our needs (2 Chronic 7:14 ; Mal 3:10 ; Phil 4:19)

He promises that he will give us wisdom and equip us with every good thing for doing his will (James 1:5 ; Hebrews 13:21), that he works for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28). If we trust in his understanding, he will show us which path to take (Prov 3:5-6)

If we seek his kingdom first, and his righteousness, then all of these things will be ‘added’ to us and so much more (Matt 6:31-33)! Because he is faithful forever, all his promises, past, present and future, are Yes and Amen. We can rest in that truth and have confidence in our unfailing, never-changing, indescribable God.

2 Corinthians 1:20 “For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our Amen (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory.

Thank you, God, that all your promises are yes and amen.
Thank you that we can rest in those promises, with confidence in your faithfulness.
Thank you for the fullness of life that we have because of what you did for us at the cross.


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