Who does God Say I am?

I must have taken at least 50 different personality tests and other assessments by now. I LOVE them. I love seeing what they classify me as – am I an activator, a competitor, ENFP, a high I, a high D, or a whatever? And I’m sure many of you do too!

We all want to know who we are. It’s part of being human, hard-wired into our being. We are seeking and searching, trying to “find ourselves”, wondering what our personality is like, why do we behave in a certain way, what makes us tick?

But as helpful as those tests can be, it’s much more important to stop and ask, “What does God think about me? Who does He say I am? Who was I created to be? And what is my purpose on this Earth?”

These questions can seem huge and daunting. But the good news is that the bible has A TON to say on this subject.

You are loved, beyond compare

God thinks that you’re a pretty big deal. He loves you so much and is so desperate for you that you were worth dying for. He knows you better than anyone, he sees you, warts and all, and he rejoices over you (Zephaniah 3:17) – the God of the universe sees you as worth rejoicing over! 

God is always for you and never against you (Romans 8:31). You are championed by Him, comforted by him, strengthened by him and protected by him. You are greatly loved by a God who never ceases in his pursuit of you and calls you his own treasured possession (Psalm 139; Romans 1:7; Ephesians 2:4; Colossians 3:12; 1 Thessalonians 1:4)

You are designed uniquely you

You are the creation of God, created in the very image of the Almighty God (Genesis 1:27)! Beautiful, captivating, perfection. You were knit together purposefully, fearfully and wonderfully (Psalm 139:13-14). He knows the number of hairs on your head (Matthew 10:30), and before a word is on your tongue He knows what it will be (Psalm 139:4).

You are God’s masterpiece. You were intentional. You were planned. You were crafted with care. You are valuable to him (Matthew 10:31). He’s the creator and He doesn’t make mistakes – he didn’t make a mistake when he created you. You are uniquely gifted, created anew in Christ Jesus, so that you can do the good things he planned for you – only you – since before you were even born (1 Peter 4:10; Ephesians 2:10). 

You are a child of God

We hear that phrase so often that I think we can start to become numb to the enormity of the meaning of it. YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD (1 John 3:2). An heir of God (1 Romans 8:16–17). That can never be taken away from you. While everything around you can change, this will be true forever.

We all have times where insecurity can make us feel as though we aren’t good enough or we’re not able to do all that God has called us to. We begin to doubt, we start to lean on our own strengths, and our self-worth can waver and become unstable. But when we allow our identity to rest in who we are in God, those fears leave, that insecurity disappears, and that inner voice of doubt no longer has a hold over us.

You were created to glorify

Your primary purpose on this Earth is to love God, honour him and glorify him through obedience to his perfect plan for your lives (Isaiah 43:7). Everything comes from God and so everything must be offered back to God. In all things we do, God must be first – glorifying God must come first.

This is primarily what you were created to do. And if anything else is taking the place where God should be, is sitting on the throne of your heart, then you need to go back to this fundamental truth and realign your priorities. Because the truth is that God is love. And unless we first love him, our love for everyone else is incomplete.

You are to be more like Jesus

God loves you exactly as you are but he loves you far too much to leave you that way. God’s plan for his people is to become more and more like Jesus, for Christ-likeness is the will of God for the people of God.

You must submit your heart (your wants and desires), your soul (your personality, character, emotions), your mind (your thoughts and decisions) and your strength (gifts, abilities, energy, time and resources) to Him (Mark 12:30). You are to become more like Christ, allowing the Holy Spirit to transform you even more into the image of Jesus, bringing his love, his strength, his kindness, his hope, his forgiveness, his peace, his generosity and his beauty to every circumstance, every situation and every person you encounter.  

In Him, you are lovely. You are capable. You are kind. You are worthy. You are generous. You are beautiful. 

God is at work in us and God is at work for us. As we allow him, He continues to mold us, to shape us, crafting his beauty and presence more deeply into our souls. And as he does, those big questions begin to get answered:

What does God think about me? 
I am wonderfully and extravagantly loved

Who does He say I am?
I am his child, a masterpiece he uniquely designed

Who am I designed to be?
I am uniquely gifted for his good works

What is my purpose here on Earth?
To become more like Jesus, carrying his love into a desperate world.

Thank you God that your love for me is beyond compare. Show me how you see me, how lovely I am to you.
Thank you that I was created perfectly, that I am adopted into your family, and that your ultimate desire is that I become who you created me to be.
Please strip away that which is not of you and uncover who I truly am, helping me to become more like you. 
Help me to hear your voice, speak to me clearly, and guide me every day of my life as I am transformed ever more into the image of Christ.


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