Raise a Hallelujah: Dare 2019 Song Story

Only 5 days to go until Dare 2019! Today we will be looking at another song from our set list – Raise a Hallelujah from the album Victory by Bethel Music.

This has to be one of my favourite worship anthems from 2019 and is a reminder that “the Spirit who lives in [us] is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.” (1 John 4:4)

This song was written by Jon and Melissa Helser as a response to an extremely painful event (the full story can be found here). The two-year-old son (Jaxon) and the four-year-old daughter (Addie) of their friends Joel and Janie Taylor, were fighting a life-threatening infection due to an E-coli virus attacking their organs.

One night they received news from the Taylors that they didn’t think Jaxon would make it through the night. As the Helsers began to cry out for Jaxon’s life, this song was born. They made worship their weapon in the face of this giant.

There are times in our life where we face unbelievably difficult circumstances that seem to have no way out. But we have to remember that we have a God that is bigger than any obstacle we face.

Acts 16 is an incredible story of the power of praise and worship. Paul and Silas are in prison for doing exactly what God has led them to do and, in the midst of the most dire of circumstances, when they had been stripped, beaten and flogged, their choice to worship not only brought about their freedom, but the freedom of those around them.

“About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the rest of the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly a great earthquake occurred, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken. Immediately all the doors flew open, and the bonds of all the prisoners came loose.” (Acts 16:25-26)

God doesn’t need our praise and worship. But bringing praise and worship to God reminds us of His power and His authority, posturing us in a place of submission and awe. It defeats the power of sin and darkness over our lives, the weapons of the enemy, the paralysis of unbelief, and brings attention to who God is and to what He can do.

Whatever your circumstance – praise! Sing in the middle of the storm, in the mystery, when there seems to be no way out. And watch as the darkness flees, as hope rises, as fear is driven out. God dwells in the praises of His people, so we can be sure that as we lift His name in worship, He is here!  nothing that we face is too big for the Name that is above every name, 

“God’s timing often doesn’t make sense until you look back to see that mountains were climbed and canyons were crossed on no strength of your own. In the battle for Jaxon’s life, the global church community rose up like a mighty army and joined us in prayer and worship all over the world. Our son was miraculously healed and today is perfectly healthy.” – Joel Taylor

Thank you God that you love us so much and that you are always fighting for our best.

As we face storms, as we face trials, as we face opposition and attacks of the enemy, we know that you are infinitely bigger than any giant we face.

When we come together to make your name great on Saturday, will you inhabit the praises of your people. We ask that you would break chains, re-build lives and set people free.


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