Not Today – Hillsong United: Song Story

It’s only one week until the Dare 17 conference at Elim Church Northampton! We are on the home run and as we count down the final 7 days, each day we will explore a little into the meaning behind the words of a song we will be declaring on Saturday 7th October. Today’s song is “Not Today” from the Hillsong United album “Wonder “.

It felt only right to start with this song as before we even had a set-list, this one was on it! (If that’s even possible). This is such an incredible song of confession and declaration that I am currently obsessed with. It declares that fear will no longer be given a hold over our life. That there is no room for the devil to be given a foothold or speak lies into our hearts.

It declares that whatever we may be going through – a season of pain, trials or suffering – God’s love is the reason we can overcome fear with praise and darkness with light. By singing our souls into his presence, by simply calling on the name of Jesus, the name that caused the enemy to panic when he was defeated at the cross, we can force the enemy out! Get behind me Satan! Acts 2:21 “…everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” This song is a victory cry! And this can be heard most clearly in the bridge…

“[Jesus’] love stood down death
  Crushed the devil’s head
  Fear is just a liar running out of breath
  The fight beneath your feet
  I’m standing on Jesus Name
  So let the devil know not today”

To ‘stand down’ is to withdraw from a position of leadership or power. Jesus stood down death! He took away any power that it once had and no longer does death have any dominion over him or us! (Romans 6:9) Jesus is the fulfilment of the promise in Genesis 3:15 “he will crush your [the serpent’s] head”. This is repeated in Romans 16:20 with the fulfilment of the promise of Jesus. The enemy has been defeated, crushed, annihilated and thrown into the lake of fire (Rev 20:10) – sin and death have no hold on us anymore!

Fear is from the enemy, from Satan himself, and he is the father of lies (John 8:44). But he is running out of breath, out of steam, out of time. And he knows it. He is defeated and knows the end is near – the lies he spreads are just his last attempt to take down as many as he can with him (Rev 12:12). Jesus already has the victory and the devil and all his minions must submit to his authority (Matt 8:16) – the fight is literally beneath his feet. He stands in victory, Lord over them!

So we are standing on Jesus’ name – if we submit ourselves to God and stand on the name that is above all names (Heb 1:4) we are able to resist the advances of the devil and he will flee from us (James 4:7).

Next time you feel downtrodden, defeated, fearful, persecuted, overwhelmed, just declare the truth that we have victory in Christ Jesus and let the devil know not today!

Thank you God that fear will no longer be given a hold over my life.
Thank you that there is no room for the devil to be given a foothold or speak lies into my heart.
Help me submit to you and stand on the name that is above every other name, Jesus.


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