New Year – New Me. Right?

New Year – New Me.

That’s how it goes right?

Every year we make resolution after resolution, but how many of them really stick? Loose weight. Get in shape. Don’t drink so much. Read more. Spend more time outdoors. Get a better job. Have more money. The list goes on.

There’s nothing wrong with making new years resolutions. In fact they often come from a good place. A place of wanting to be the best version of ourselves that we can. A place of wanting to make more of this year than the last. But how many of us really and truly stick to the goals we set ourselves at the beginning of the year? And how many of us find ourselves, another year down, making the exact same resolutions that we did the year before?

We often start working towards our goals, highly motivated, determined to succeed, only to find that we don’t see the results we want straight away, we don’t make the quick progress that we want, things don’t go the way we planned. So we eat those cakes that we know we shouldn’t, one day won’t hurt. And we miss that day at the gym, and then the next, and then the next. Soon we find that it’s only February and we’ve already forgotten those resolutions we made.

The good news is the beginning of 2019 marks another chance to start afresh. Another chance to try again. But how do we make sure we don’t fall into the same self-sabotaging patterns?

By making the goals realistic, staying disciplined and being held accountable. We need to make sure that the goals we set aren’t so ambitious that they are completely out of reach. We need to create healthy habits, healthy rhythms, and stick to them. We need to make sure that we have carved out time and developed a plan to achieve the goals, making achieving these goals a priority. And we need to share our goals with someone who will hold us accountable, asking about our progress towards these goals regularly, encouraging us to persist, and calling us out when we start to let things slip.

So this year, I am trying something different. One of my goals is to read more of God’s word, and not just to read it, but to “meditate” on it, like the verse in in Psalms 1:2 says we should.

And I’m sure I am not the only one. I’m sure many of you have the same, or something similar.

So here’s my plan. Every day, for the rest of the year, I will be posting a verse of the week on my instagram, along with a brief commentary of what the verse means to me.

And if this is one of your goals for 2019, I would like to do this journey with you. Let’s study these verses together. Let’s pray more together.

Comment with your thoughts each day. Add some of the verses you have been reading. And let’s dig into God’s word together.

I need you to keep me accountable. Let’s sharpen one another.

Thank you God that you are a God of fresh starts and that your mercies are new every morning. Help me to be more disciplined with my new year’s resolutions this year and that they will ultimately draw me closer to you and your purposes and plans for me.


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