Category: Parenthood

  • Noah Eva: Due Date

    Noah Eva: Due Date

    12th September 2020. Today is the expected due date of this beautiful miracle baby. Born at 28 weeks (12 weeks prematurely) she has fought hard for her life and we couldn’t be more proud and amazed by her. She is an absolute beauty. Today has kicked up a lot of emotions. It’s hard to put…

  • 2 months old (and fighting for her life)

    2 months old (and fighting for her life)

    Noah is now 2 months old. And what a crazy 2 months it’s been. She is amazing and we love her more every day. But these last few days have been really, really tough as we’ve watched our baby girl fight for her life once again. Yesterday, just when we thought we were done with…

  • 8 Weeks Old and Noah is home!!!

    8 Weeks Old and Noah is home!!!

    Oh my goodness Noah is an absolute star. She is 8 weeks old and is finally in her new home – she looked so tiny when we put her in her car seat!! These last couple of days have been so beautiful having Noah home. It still hasn’t sunk in that we have her forever…

  • 7 weeks Old

    7 weeks Old

    Noah is 7 weeks old today! It has been 7 weeks of ups and downs, but she is a strong little lady and, looking at her now, it’s unbelievable progress since this time last week. Thank you to everyone who prayed and sent us encouragement over the last few days. Noah is an absolute champion…

  • 6 weeks old: Fighting to Live

    6 weeks old: Fighting to Live

    Yesterday was a tough one and it’s not over yet… Noah was crying all morning trying to tell us that something wasn’t right. Her stats had been dropping quite drastically and suddenly she stopped breathing – the crash team was called as all she turned ash-white. It was the most terrifying moment of her journey…

  • 1 Month Old

    1 Month Old

    1 MONTH OLD TODAY 🎂 Today Noah is a whole month old! Wow – this has been a tough month but she is a strong little fighter. Born at 2lb 9, she now weighs 3.7lb (1.7kg). She is feeding every 3 hours (instead of every 2 as it was at the beginning), 32ml each feed.…