Category: Parenthood

  • An Unexpected Arrival: The Birth of a Preemie

    An Unexpected Arrival: The Birth of a Preemie Six months ago I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Noah Eva Heron, 3 months premature, in some very difficult, very scary circumstances. Finding the right words to begin this post isn’t easy. I’ve been sitting here staring at a blank screen wondering what exactly I want to say. I’ve been in two minds…

  • Reality vs. Expectation

    Reality vs. Expectation

    “And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.” // Romans‬ ‭5:5‬ ‭NLT‬‬ When I found out I was pregnant, I was elated (and if I’m honest a little nervous) thinking about what…

  • Naming our Daughter: Peacemakers

    Naming our Daughter: Peacemakers

    When coming up with a name for our daughter, my husband and I considered SO many. What was important to us was a name that not only did we like the sound of, but that also carried an important, biblical truth. Names in the bible are so significant – they can signify purpose, character, circumstances. They…

  • 6 months old

    6 months old

    Noah is 6 months old!!! (16 weeks corrected age) She is an absolute beauty and is growing by the day. At 11lb 12, she is now over 4 times her birth weight! This month she’s added giggling, grabbing toys, sitting up (with support) and holding her head up whilst on her tummy to her repertoire.…

  • 5 months old

    5 months old

    Noah is 5 months old tomorrow – where has the time gone? She is the equivalent of about 10 weeks corrected age (taking into account her due date). Today Noah learnt a new consonant sound – “b”. So she has added “boo” to her list of favourite noises and loves chatting with mummy and daddy.…

  • 4 months old

    4 months old

    25 OCT 20 (4 months – Corrected Age 6 weeks) Sunday Noah was 4 months old! Wow! Where has the time gone? Corrected age she is now 6 weeks old and has officially hit peak crying week (although she is a very peaceful baby so we really can’t complain about the odd cry). She also…

  • 1 month corrected age

    1 month corrected age

    12 OCT 20 (15 weeks, 5 days old) Today Noah is officially 1 month corrected age! She’s growing rapidly, becoming a lot more alert and interactive and continuing to melt our hearts. Night times are still a challenge – some nights she sleeps well and in her own bed, whereas other nights she still refuses…

  • 3 months old

    3 months old

    25 SEP 20 (13 wks 1 day – Corrected Age 2 weeks) Today Noah was 3 months old!! Although she is 3 months actual age, her developmental milestones are based on her corrected age which is only 2 weeks. Noah now weighs over 6lb, is out of her prem clothes and into newborn! Noah is…

  • 12 weeks old

    12 weeks old

    Noah is now 12 weeks old (1 week corrected age). This week she finally finished her course of antibiotics – no more daily trips to the hospital! Unfortunately the antibiotics were incredibly strong and have eradicated not only the infection, but also the healthy bacteria in her gut. This has caused her tummy to be…