Category: Life

  • 6 habits for a healthy marriage

    6 habits for a healthy marriage

    Tomorrow is Jason and my fourth wedding anniversary. That may not seem like a lot to you, but we have been through a fair bit in those four years. Marriage is not easy, especially when life gets rough, but it is through the most difficult seasons that we have drawn the closest together. Because you…

  • Sheffield, Here We Come

    Sheffield, Here We Come

    LIFE UPDATE: I’m excited to announce that we’re on the move! In May, we’ll be heading even further up north as Jason has been appointed senior pastor of Sheffield Central Elim Church. This past year has been a mad one, full of extreme highs and lows, but we’re trusting in God’s plan & His faithfulness…

  • I am thankful

    I am thankful

    It’s spring!! Finally!! I love this time of year, as the weather’s getting warmer, days are getting longer, flowers are beginning to bloom. Maybe it’s the blue skies but I’ve found myself more positive lately, reflecting on the things I’m thankful for and how far I’ve come. ‘Reality check’: we often find whatever it is…

  • Miracles in the Mundane; When Life is Still

    Miracles in the Mundane; When Life is Still

    Is anyone else getting a bit fed up of the monotony of lockdown routine? Every day for me involves the same routine. Get up. Feed baby. Put her down for nap. Express. Get her up. Go for a walk, etc.… it never changes. Rain, wind, sleet or snow… But when having a chat with some…

  • An Unexpected Arrival: The Birth of a Preemie

    An Unexpected Arrival: The Birth of a Preemie Six months ago I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Noah Eva Heron, 3 months premature, in some very difficult, very scary circumstances. Finding the right words to begin this post isn’t easy. I’ve been sitting here staring at a blank screen wondering what exactly I want to say. I’ve been in two minds…

  • 1 Month Old

    1 Month Old

    1 MONTH OLD TODAY 🎂 Today Noah is a whole month old! Wow – this has been a tough month but she is a strong little fighter. Born at 2lb 9, she now weighs 3.7lb (1.7kg). She is feeding every 3 hours (instead of every 2 as it was at the beginning), 32ml each feed.…

  • New Year – New Me. Right?

    New Year – New Me. Right?

    New Year – New Me. That’s how it goes right? Every year we make resolution after resolution, but how many of them really stick? Loose weight. Get in shape. Don’t drink so much. Read more. Spend more time outdoors. Get a better job. Have more money. The list goes on. There’s nothing wrong with making…

  • Perseverance in the Pain: My Story

    Perseverance in the Pain: My Story

    These past 6 weeks have been really tough. Probably the toughest in my life so far. I’m not saying that to be dramatic, I just want you to know where I am coming from as I write this. I also know there are so many people (some of whom may even be reading this) that…

  • Bearing good fruit – a spiritual health check

    Bearing good fruit – a spiritual health check

    When we think about our physical health, most of us are aware of the indicators our body gives us when there is something wrong. We may experience pain in the area that needs our attention. We may start to feel run-down, tired, under-the-weather, when our immune system comes under attack. Or sometimes it can be…