I think it’s safe to say I’m not perfect. In fact on a daily basis I think, say or do things that I’m not particularly proud of. Especially when I’m tired, or hungry, or feeling under the weather. If I’m experiencing all three? Watch out world! Can I get an Amen?!

The problem is that when I’m not feeling particularly good about myself, for some reason I pull away from God too. If I’m ashamed of something I’ve said, or something I’ve done, or not done (like a harsh retort or not reading my bible for a while) I feel like I need to somehow make it up to God before I can approach him again.

But today’s passage from Ephesians reminds us that it is because of Jesus and our faith in him that we can approach God freely, boldly, confidently. Not because of anything we have – or haven’t – done. But only because of his sacrifice.

Now I’m not saying that what we do doesn’t matter. Far from it! But what I am saying is that there is nothing that we can do that means we are no longer invited to draw near.

Do you remember the first time that you heard this message and put your trust in him – how liberating that was? That it is not by our works but by faith in him that we are saved? We get this when we first come to Jesus.

And yet, somehow as we journey the Christian life, somewhere, at some point, our perspective shifted back to working, striving, performing for His approval. How did that happen?

Today is a new day. Lay down this way of thinking – the devil is a liar – and pick up your inheritance as a child of God. Know afresh that we can come back to God day after day with the assurance that he is waiting with open arms. And there the promise is we will find forgiveness, peace and rest.



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