Be Still, Let Go, Let God

I’m a forward planner. I like to have my next 10 steps planned out, to have thought through every eventuality and made an informed decision. I like to know what will happen and be prepared.

Planning itself isn’t a bad thing. In many circumstances, when done well, planning ahead is wise, and failing to plan is foolish (Proverbs 20:4). It’s important that we steward what we’ve been given, time, resources, people, honourably.

But lately, I’ve been finding myself worrying and stressing more than usual. Not over any one thing in particular, but over a variety of little things. The reason for each anxiety is the same – I can’t control the outcome.

Planning ahead is an essential part of life. But when it morphs into something more, trying to control every little thing, we try to become our own God, our own saviour, taking the place Jesus should hold in our lives – and that’s when things begin to unravel and overwhelm us.

God is in control. He is the one who will direct us and make our paths straight (Proverbs 3:6; Proverbs 16:9) . No amount of planning can ever replace our need for a heavenly father. When we are striving for control, we are trying to carry a burden we were never created to bear.

It‘s wise to plan, work hard and make provision. But we can’t control everything that will happen. And we can’t face every battle in our own strength. When difficult times come – and Jesus said in this life we will have trouble (John 16:33) – when we face circumstances outside of our control, we need to remember to be still and know that he is God.

So if, like me, you’ve been feeling more anxious than usual, overwhelmed by circumstances outside your control, take some tome today to:

Be Still. Spend time, quiet before God. Stop striving and working to overcome in your own strength, and listen for the still small voice of the Spirit over your life. For he is speaking.

Let Go. Lay down any pride, misplaced independence, plans, hopes and dreams, and hand them all over to God. You are invited to cast all your burdens, worries and anxieties onto Jesus, for he is far better equipped to deal with them.

Let God. Let Him do what only He can do. Let him move mountains in your life. Let him work through you to defeat Goliath. Let him part the seas and calm the storms. Let him take the place he is supposed to have, on the throne of your heart.


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