Be Like Jesus. Period.

When people ask me what it means to live as a Christian, I reply “we are to be like Jesus” – that’s it.

We are to look at his life, follow his example, learn from his teachings, meditate on his words. Ultimately we are to become more and more like him.

It’s great to listen to wise counsel, look to godly leaders, learn from one another. Paul even encourages us to imitate him (1 Corinthians 4:16) learning from his example.

But we must look to Jesus as our ultimate authority. We can’t be dependant on second-hand revelation or human counsel, no matter how wise. Because humans are fallible.

But Jesus was 100% man and 100% God. That means he is the only one who can fully understand what we are going through AND have the power to overcome it.

He is all-knowing and never gets it wrong.
He is all-present and never leaves nor forsakes us.
He is all-powerful and is never overwhelmed.

We are to be transformed ever more into HIS image, through relationship with him – study of His WORD, conversation through PRAYER, revelation through His SPIRIT.

Let’s be more Jesus.
More patient.
More kind.
More content.
More humble.
More generous.
More servant-hearted.
More peaceful.
More caring.
More faithful.
More steadfast.
More hopeful.
More giving.

More of him. Less of me.


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