Be alert. Stand firm.

We do not battle against flesh and blood but against a real spiritual enemy. The devil is the master of lies and he has one motivation, to steal, kill and destroy.

I don’t tell you this to frighten you. We don’t need to fear him because he who is in us, the Holy Spirit, is bigger than the enemy or anything he can throw it is. I tell you this for the same reason Peter wrote this to the early church – we need to stay alert and be on our guard against his attacks!

The bible says that if we stand firm and resist the devil HE WILL FLEE. He cannot win. He has already lost and will ultimately be defeated when Christ returns. He knows this and he is afraid, but he’s determined to cause as much chaos as he can until that day.

And although he can not ultimately win the war, he may win a few battles along the way if we let him.

So we need to be ready to face any battle, temptation, lie, deception, distraction or trouble that he throws our way. Because with the strength of the Holy Spirit we are more powerful than him and there’s nothing that we cannot overcome.


So practically, how can we be on our guard against these attacks?

1. Know God’s Word. What does he say is true? What does he say is right? If it’s contrary to the bible, it’s not from God.

2. Draw close to God. Spend time with him. Learn more of his character and what he says about you. If it’s a voice of condemnation and cruelty, then it isn’t God speaking.

3. Put on the armour of God. Every morning (Ephesians 6): the belt of truth, the body armour of God’s righteousness, the shoes of peace, the shield of faith the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

4. Pray, pray pray. At all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.


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