Hi! My name is Emily and welcome to my site. Thanks for checking it out. I created it to share openly and honestly about my faith and how it impacts my life, as well as being a space where we can learn together and inspire. In 2020, I became a first time mum, and so expanded this site to include my story and experiences too. 

So a little about me.

My full name is Emily Violet Heron – my middle name is the name of my gran on my dad’s side. I am only 5ft 3, but as they say the best things come in small packages. I have a degree in Marine Biology and Oceanography and I currently work as Head of Sustainability for a global fragrance company. I really enjoy my job and am fortunate enough to work with some amazing people, both in the UK and overseas.

I have a fantastic husband who is so supportive and I love very much (credit for this site must be given to him) and we have a beautiful baby girl called Noah Eva. Home for us right now is Chesterfield, England but I would love to one day live near the sea.  

I am passionate, I am emotional, I love deeply, I live with joy, and I worship hard.

I love my family. I get my determination from my mum, my confidence to be who I am from my step-dad and my sister is one of my best friends and my biggest inspirations. I am an extrovert and love being around people but I am a lot more comfortable getting to know people in small groups as opposed to speaking in front of large group. I am an extremely deep sleeper and love early nights and long lie-ins  (I have been known to sleep in until 1pm) and I have a profound love for Nandos, Coca-Cola and all things chocolate.

I love being part of a thriving church community and I thank Jesus for taking my strengths and using them for His purpose.

I live intentionally, seeking more of God’s presence and, although I fall short, worship Jesus with all that I am.

Why I Write

I have always loved words. I love to use language to find just the right word and craft it into a sentence in just the right way to explain exactly what I’m trying to communicate. I’m not saying I’m great at it but I love to try. I have a passion for music too, listening, dancing, singing at the top of my lungs like I’m going to burst! I believe these passions are hardwired in me from when God created me in his image. God instilled within me a passionate creativity for he is a passionately creative God! Simply put, the reason that I love words and music is because God—the ultimate storyteller and composer —created me this way.

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord my rock and my redeemer.” – Psalm 19:14

There’s so much we can learn by listening to and learning from one-another. We need each other in order to talk through our fears and our doubts, to encourage one-another and be reminded that Jesus is always, always faithful. We are all the family of God, each made in his image, with many different and yet equally valuable gifts, reflecting various expressions of the same glorious creator. 

That’s why this is about more than just blogging. It’s a community where we can share faith, enjoy life together and support one-another through life’s ups and downs. So grab a coffee, grab your bible and let’s dig into the Word, study it, apply it and make it the truth that we live by. Let’s do this together. Together we are stronger. 

Emily Violet Heron

Founder of Live Your Freedom