6 months old

Noah is 6 months old!!! (16 weeks corrected age)

She is an absolute beauty and is growing by the day. At 11lb 12, she is now over 4 times her birth weight!

This month she’s added giggling, grabbing toys, sitting up (with support) and holding her head up whilst on her tummy to her repertoire. She’s also given us her first giggles at the noises and faces we pull.

December was also the month that we hit another big milestone for a preemie: being out of hospital for more days than she was in. Noah spent her first 81 days in hospital.

Noah still has some tummy issues. We spent Christmas Eve in the hospital as she was having real difficulty pooping (she hadn’t had a movement in 11 days) and it was causing her quite intense pain. We think she may have a cows milk protein allergy and it’s causing her to cry a lot more than usual, so I’m going dairy-free again to see if it makes a difference.

It is also thought that she might have something called Hirschsprung’s disease, which means part of her bowel isn’t working properly. We are awaiting a diagnosis but, if this is the case, it will mean an operation so prayer is appreciated 😍 it is a miracle that there was a baby bowel specialist on duty in A&E!!

Other than that, Noah is doing so well and we couldn’t be prouder of her ♥️


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