9 Months Old


You are an absolute champion and we’re so proud of the little girl you’re becoming. 6 months corrected age and already we know who’s boss 👊🏼 love this little lady and all her sass. And yellow is definitely her favourite colour of all time! ☀️

You’re very happy and content, smiling and giggling, and we’re learning more about what makes you laugh.

You can roll over, front and back, but you’re getting frustrated you can’t move anywhere fast. Your starting to army crawl backwards, using your face to push.

You’re much better at sitting up by yourself, staying upright for longer, only toppling if a toy is too out of reach. It won’t be long until you’ve got it nailed!

Speaking of toys, you love anything that makes noise – Christmas bells, tinfoil, a loaf of bread – doing it all with such concentration on your face. You’ve even figured out passing things from one hand to the other.

You love when we read together, especially turning the pages all by yourself. You get so frustrated if we’re not going fast enough!

You’ve begun to reach for things and people you want and you’re teething still, although no signs of teeth yet. Anything and everything goes into your mouth.

Including food! You’re good at feeding yourself (although you’re still working on the chewing and swallowing part) and are now on 2 meals/day. You have tried so many more finger foods this month – toast🍞, apples🍏, banana🍌, carrots🥕, meatballs, asparagus – and you’re demolishing your purées like there’s no tomorrow 🥣

Sleeping 😴 is a bit of a challenge this month – napping is becoming shorter and you’re waking more in the night than you used to. We’re working on a bedtime routine and putting you down to sleep awake (pray for us 🙏🏻)

You love when we hide and reappear from behind a door and you’re becoming tickleish – your giggle is the best!

You’re really chatty, using your consonants, as well as vowel sounds – your favourite this month is ‘b’ – and your experimenting, using the full range, from a growl, to a high pitched squeal (especially at bed time…)

You’re letting us know what you want, shouting, moaning or pulling ‘the face’ when you don’t like something we do. And you ‘fake cry’, and ‘fake cough’ now to get our attention.

Noah, you’re an absolute delight, and we love you to the moon and back little bear 🌙🧸😍


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