Standing (and falling)


Last night, Noah pulled herself up onto her feet for the first time whilst she was in the bath!

I was so amazed that I just sat an watched, and didn’t manage to get a photo (I usually would but I’m trying to just be in the moment and remind myself that not everything has to be catalogued)

It was such an amazing moment, full of joy and pride at the strength of my beautiful baby girl 💪

And yet, as with all things parenthood, it isn’t always plain sailing ⛵️ and seconds after her triumph, she toppled forward and almost face planted out of the bath.

She was absolutely distraught 😩

The GUILT I felt for not jumping in and picking her up sooner!!

But, as my husband reminded me, she may have fallen, but I was there to catch her and comfort her when she did.

That’s our job as parents isn’t it? As they grow, we have to let them try (and fail) to do more and more by themselves, always being there to
* provide support when they try something new
* rescue when necessary
* celebrate when they triumph and
* comfort when things don’t go the way they planned

Although, I’ve learnt my lesson and won’t be letting her stand up by herself in the bath again any time soon… 🤦🏻‍♀️


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