Love leaves NO ROOM for hate

Some people are harder to love than others – isn’t that the truth?

It can be especially hard to love those who hate us, hurt us, ridicule us.

But that’s exactly what Jesus told us we must do: love our enemies.

Do you know someone who’s hard to love? Someone who you would like to get an eye for an eye?

Let’s get real though – Jesus flipped the narrative and tells us to not only turn the other cheek but to actually be prepared to repay their evil with kindness.

Love leaves NO ROOM for hate.

What does that mean? No slander, no gossip, no bitterness, no grudges, no matter how ENTITLED you might feel you are.

But we must LOVE them, do GOOD to them, speak WELL of them, FORGIVE them, give them the benefit of the doubt, even if we don’t feel they deserve it.

Because we are commanded to love like Jesus. And we don’t deserve HIS love or forgiveness, yet he gives it freely.

This is a command. One that is a huge challenge. But one that is actually pretty critical to our walk with God.

Will you join me in standing out as someone who loves even those who don’t love us back?


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