Have you heard that saying ‘the only constant is change’? Our world is continually changing and the accepted ‘normal’ of culture and society is here one day and gone the next. With everything going on around us right now it can be difficult to find hope and a secure foundation. ⁠But the Word of God is an anchor for our souls. It guides and steadies us in an ever-changing world.


Soul Refreshed

His words are perfect, refreshing and reviving us when we don’t feel strong, when things are too much and we find ourselves growing tired. Jesus promises that his yoke is easy and his burden is light. When we come to the word of God, put our trust in what he says and do as he leads, we will find that our cross becomes easier to bear and we face every hurdle with a mindset of victory.

Mind Made Wise

His instructions are trustworthy, giving us wisdom and understanding when nothing makes sense. God is not a God of confusion. When he speaks, it is to give us greater understanding and clarity of his will, his character and his promise.

Heart Joy-Filled

His commands are fair and will lead us to true joy. His Word lays out his laws, laws that are perfectly just. When he asks us to do something, it is not to make our lives more difficult (although following him can be), but it is because it is the best for our lives and the lives of those around us. And it is through obedience to these commands that we will find true freedom and joy, the joy of the Lord that is our strength.

Eyes Enlightened

His directions are clear, bringing clarity and lighting up the right path.⁠ God wants us to be in his good, pleasing and perfect will for our lives – he isn’t trying to hide it from us (although it can feel a little bit like that sometimes). As we dig into his word, he lights up the next steps for us, directing our steps and making our paths straight. 


Our hope and security don’t come from what is happening around us but look to the future and the fulfilment of God’s promises, confident that everything in His Word will be accomplished in His perfect timing. It will keep us secure yesterday, today, and forever as we hold fast to our faith even when culture wants to convince us that we stand on the wrong side of history. ⁠⁠

We want to know and be guided by the Word because only the Word will last forever.

//Have you spent time in his word today, letting it refresh you, teach you, guide you and fill you with joy?⁠//


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