Our God is awesome and so worthy of our praise. There is no one like him. 
     No one matches his might, his power, his glory, his mercy, his grace, 
his kindness, his love. 
     We worship with joy, bringing our words of admiration, our acts of devotion
and our songs of exaltation to him – the King of Kings.

We acknowledge that He is God! He made us and we are his. We are his people,
     chosen and treasured, loved and purposed for his good works.
We were created for his glory, to reflect his image,
     to serve our perfect God.

We enter his gates with songs of thanksgiving and his courts with praise.
     We are thankful for all he is and all he has done for us.
And we bless and praise his holy name, the name that is above every name,
     and the name that at one day every knee will bow and every tongue confess
that he is Lord!

For he is good, he is love itself, and his mercy and loving kindness are never-ending.
     No matter what we do to offend him. No matter how many times we turn away
from him or go against his law.
     Because of the blood of Jesus, we are always welcomed back with open arms.
His mercies are new every morning and his faithfulness endures forever and ever,
     for every generation.


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