Fruitful Pruning

This last couple of months has been incredibly hard for me and my family. I’ve been angry at God, confused about why we have been through tough times, frustrated that God has seemed so distant when we needed him the most.

But, it’s often through the most difficult seasons in our life that we see the most fruit. It is when every branch that does not bear fruit is cut away and the branches that do bear fruit are pruned so that they will be more fruitful (15:2).

Cutting and pruning are not particularly pleasant processes. While God is disciplining and refining us it can be uncomfortable or even downright painful at times. He even prunes in the areas we are producing fruit!

That’s why it’s called refiners fire (1 Peter 1:7).

But it is all purposeful, in order that we grow and become the best versions of ourselves we can.

In this particularly painful season, although I may not understand why, I do know that God is using it to help me re-evaluate and redefine some of the things in my life, my priorities, my theology, my preferences, and leading me to spend some time resting in his presence, as he cuts away those things that are unimportant, and prunes those things that are, ensuring they will be more fruitful in seasons to come.

Suffering has purpose. Through it I grow to become the very best version of me.

What is God trying to cut away or prune in your life right now? What is he trying to teach you? Are you remaining in him, connected to the vine that is Jesus, in order that your life will increase in its fruitfulness?

Let me know what you think in the comments below. Add your thoughts on today’s passage or tag 🏷 someone who may need to hear this today. We are stronger when we learn from one another.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


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