Abundant Life: Finding Favour with God

Jesus is the King of Kings. In John 10:10 it tells us that he came to give us life in abundance, that we can have life in him that is purposeful, joyful, and everlasting. We receive this abundant life the moment we accept him as Lord. A life with Jesus is far and above anything without him – far more than we could ever imagine (1 Corinthians 2:9).

But an abundant life doesn’t mean the perfect life – model home, expensive cars and exotic holidays. It is a life spiritually abundant, full of purpose, joy, peace, love, patience, kindness, gentleness, self control (Galatians 5:22).

In addition to life, we can find favour in God’s sight. Although God doesn’t have favourites in terms of spiritual abundance, throughout the bible we do see individuals whom God used in a particularly powerful way – they clearly had his anointing, protection, and extraordinary blessings. When it comes to working through individuals for his purpose on earth, God clearly singles out some over the rest (2 Chronicles 6:9)

So how do we find favour with God?

By walking with him intimately like Enoch (Gen 5:22). By being obedient to his word, even when it’s difficult like Joseph (Gen 50:20). By being humble and fearing God, like Moses (Numbers 12:3). By desiring God’s heart above our own, like David (Acts 13:22). By surrendering our plans to his plans, and trusting him with the how, like Mary of Nazareth (Luke 1:38). By stepping out in Faith like Abraham (James 2:23). By seeking God’s wisdom above all others like Solomon (1 Kings 3). By loving and worshipping God extravagantly, at the feet of Jesus, like Mary of Bethany (Mark 14:3). By becoming more like Jesus, as God transforms us ever more in his image (Romans 8:28).

Physical blessings may or may not be a part of a God-centered life, but when we put our faith in Jesus and find favour in his sight, like the Apostle Paul, we can be content with whatever circumstances we find ourselves in (Philippians 4:11).


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