5 months old

Noah is 5 months old tomorrow – where has the time gone? She is the equivalent of about 10 weeks corrected age (taking into account her due date).

Today Noah learnt a new consonant sound – “b”. So she has added “boo” to her list of favourite noises and loves chatting with mummy and daddy.

She now also can get her entire fist into her mouth and is chomping, sucking and drooling on anything she can. Is it too early for teething?

This month, Noah had her first routine development appointment with her consultant (premature babies are followed up in the paediatric unit for at least 2 years).

Noah is right on track with where she is supposed to be – in fact she’s developing slightly ahead of her corrected age which is excellent news! She is also eating and growing well and has now reached over 9lb!!

She is also smiling lots – they absolutely melt our hearts – is able to lift her head, is “talking back” to us and trying to copy us as we make sounds.


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