4 months old

25 OCT 20 (4 months – Corrected Age 6 weeks)

Sunday Noah was 4 months old! Wow! Where has the time gone? Corrected age she is now 6 weeks old and has officially hit peak crying week (although she is a very peaceful baby so we really can’t complain about the odd cry).

She also had another round of vaccinations this week – she did not like this at all and let us know about it! It’s such a weird feeling because it’s heart-breaking watching them suffer, even though we know it’s the best thing for them.

We are also starting to try and establish a routine for feeding and sleeping as she is becoming able to go longer stretches at night without waking. Sleep is still a challenge though and it looks like it could be a bit of a long road ahead.

This week Noah is absolutely outdoing herself with progress. We’ve had her first social smiles (where she’s smiling in response to our smiles), she’s becoming interested in her mobile and she’s just starting to chat with us (where she’s trying to copy the sounds we make.

Knowing how a premature baby is “supposed” to develop can be difficult as milestones can be slightly adjusted. This is why we use corrected age to gauge against a full term baby. It is always in the back of your mind that, because of her prematurity, there could be developmental challenges. So as she reaches each milestone it is even more incredible and all the more miraculous

Well done Noah!

Again thank you to everyone who continues to pray for her. We could not do this without each one of you.


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