3 months old

25 SEP 20 (13 wks 1 day – Corrected Age 2 weeks)

Today Noah was 3 months old!! Although she is 3 months actual age, her developmental milestones are based on her corrected age which is only 2 weeks. Noah now weighs over 6lb, is out of her prem clothes and into newborn!

Noah is starting to grab onto things around her more – like her blankets, our clothes, mummy’s hair. She has yet to start smiling regularly though (although we do get a glimpse of it every now and then – especially if she’s sleepy) and we are eagerly awaiting this milestone, like most first-time parents!

Her little legs are getting stronger by the day. She’s has quite a kick on her, especially when she’s having her nappy changed! And her cry is getting louder (although I’m sure we’ve seen nothing yet).

Today Noah had her second set of vaccinations. She has been incredibly loud in letting us know how unhappy she is about it!

3 months of this beautiful little lady.


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