10 Months Old


Noah Eva Heron – you are such a delight. You’re only 7 months corrected age but you’re developing fast and are now somewhere in between your corrected and actual age. You’ve been poorly this month and yet you’ve still done your absolute best to give us lots of smiles and giggles. You are such a stunner!

This month you are getting more and more bossy – you know what you like (and more importantly what you don’t like) and you are sure letting us know! You have certainly learnt how to shout this month and you’re having a lovely time testing out your lungs.

You can roll over so fast now – no more leaving you in one place and expecting you to still be there when we get back. We’ve had a few bumps and bruises this month as you are a daredevil and throw yourself off whatever it is you’re on – like mummy or daddy’s lap! But you’re still getting frustrated that you can’t yet crawl.

You’ve pretty much mastered sitting up by yourself, staying upright with no support, but you do still topple from time to time if a toy is too out of reach (or if you decide you’ve had enough time sitting and just throw yourself in whatever direction you feel like – I’m sure you’re trying to give us a heart attack!).

You’re definitely reaching for things and people you want now, making it clear when you want to sit down, stand up, go for a walk etc.

And speaking of walking, you are getting so fast that we sometimes struggle to keep up! And you’re trying to let go of our hands (although you’re balance is not yet good enough to be able to do it by yourself) – you’re definitely already little miss independent!

Speaking of independence, you are getting so good at feeding yourself that you’re getting frustrated at being fed from a spoon. You just stick your hand straight in whatever it is we’re feeding you and grab it yourself. You are still doing well with your finger foods (adding meatballs to the list of favourites) and you’re still demolishing your purées – how much should babies be eating in one sitting??

Sleeping is still a bit of a challenge this month, although in the last week we’ve started to see some improvements – you’re napping for a bit longer again (a mid-morning nap of around 45 minutes, and a lunch time nap of around an hour and a half) but you’re still waking several times a night – at least twice for food.

Noah, you are the best little girl a mummy and daddy could ask for – we’re so proud of you and everything you’ve achieved so far. But for month 11, could we start getting a bit more sleep?!!


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